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- Christmas | Providence Baptist Church | Clifton
Christmas Ladies Christmas Craft Clifton Community Centre, Whiston Crescent, Clifton, SG17 5HJ Join us for a session of crafts and makes, ready in time for Christmas. Event is aimed at ladies sixteen and over. There will be refreshments throughout, and the event will be rounded off with a short Christian talk. Friday 29th November 2:00pm & 7:30pm Traditional Carol Service Clifton Community Centre, Whiston Crescent, Clifton, SG17 5HJ Who doesn't love the joyful sound of Christmas carols! Take a break from all the hectic Christmas preparations to join us in singing carols and listening to the Biblical account of Jesus coming into the world. Seasonal refreshments provided. Tuesday 17th December 7:00pm Family Nativity Service Clifton Community Centre, Whiston Crescent, Clifton, SG17 5HJ Come join us for our annual nativity service. The children narrate, dress up and sing songs to retell the Bible account of Jesus being born into the world. The service concludes with a short message to explain the true meaning of Christmas. Sunday 15th December 10:30am Christmas Morning Service Providence Baptist Church, 118 Shefford Road, Clifton, SG17 5RF A traditional service on Christmas morning to celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ. The short family friendly service will start at 10:30am and last around 45 minutes. Wednesday 25th December 10:30am
- Providence Baptist Church | Clifton
ALL WELCOME! ALL PLACES. ALL PEOPLE. Join a service Explore Christianity Get involved Sunday services Sundays 10:30am and 6:00pm. We meet every Sunday to worship God and read His Word. All are welcome so why not come along and join us. Find out more
- Seasonal events | Clifton Providence
Seasonal Events Seasonal Events Throughout the year we hold a number of special services to take time to reflect and thank God for His good gifts to us. Use the buttons to scroll through the slider and see the different events. Get in touch If you’d like more information about our seasonal events, please get in touch. Get in touch
- Midweek | Clifton Providence
Midweek Bible Studies We run weekly home-groups on both Wednesdays and Thursdays which are an opportunity for Christian's of any age and experience to delve deeper into the Bible as well as an opportunity to spend some time in prayer together. Alongside these regular groups we also run from time to time introductory Bible courses for those looking to find out more about the Bible and explore what it means to be a Christian. These groups are tailored to the individuals attending by studying parts of the Bible that the group leader feels would be suitable based on understanding and experience of the Christian faith. Contact us for more information if you are interested in joining one of the weekly groups or would be interested in taking part with one of the introductory Bible courses. Various times Various locations Various days, 8:00pm Providence Baptist Church Prayer Meetings As the name would suggest, the focus of the prayer meeting is prayer! Each of our home-groups spends an amount of time in prayer each week along side the Bible studies, but once a month all the home-groups meet midweek at the church building to have a more focused time of prayer together. This joint prayer meeting is always the first week of the month, but alternates between Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please get in touch if you wish to know more. "A coal left out of the fire, soon grows cold, but together they will glow" If you’d like more information about our midweek meetings, please get in touch. Get in touch
- Come | Clifton Providence
Sunday Worship Morning We meet at 10.30am every Sunday in Clifton Community Centre for morning worship. We seek to worship God together by singing, praying, and reading and learning from the Bible. The service usually lasts about 1h15m and we enjoy spending time getting to know each other better over a cup of tea afterwards. There is a creche provided during the second half of the service along with a Sunday School for those up to Year 6 (term time only). There are occasions throughout the year where the timings and/or location differs. Check the website and facebook page for up to date information of any special events. For additional information about Sundays see our "What to Expect " section. Sunday, 10:30am Clifton Community Centre Sunday, 6:00pm Providence Baptist Church Evening Evening worship takes place at the church building at 6.00pm. As in the morning, the Bible, prayer and singing are central to what we do. During this service, we aim to grow in our faith and learn to live more like Jesus. On the 3rd Sunday of the month we incorporate the Lord’s table into the service and particularly remember the death of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We encourage all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and are trusting Him as their Saviour to take part. There are occasions throughout the year where the timings and/or location differs. Check the website and facebook page for up to date information of any special events. For additional information about Sundays see our "What to Expect " section. If you've never been before, a Sunday Service is a great place to start. Everyone is welcome! Walking into a new church can be a bit daunting, especially if you're not used to it. Even if you go to church regularly, different churches do some things differently so it's good to know what to expect! Where are you? Who can attend? Sunday mornings we meet at: Clifton Community Centre, Whiston Crescent, SG17 5HJ. There is ample parking in the large car park within the Community Centre gates. In the evening we meet at: Providence Chapel, 118 Shefford Road, SG17 5RF. There is limited parking out the front so if parking on a side street or main road please do be considerate of the neighbours! What about children? If you have children please bring them along with you. We know they fidget and make noises at inappropriate times, but don't worry we're quite used to it. If you feel uncomfortable and want to take them out for a bit we provide a supervised creche for the very little ones (up to age 3). During the service, usually early on, there will be a part for the children. Someone from the church will often sing a song with them and teach them a truth from the Bible. At around 11am all the children will be invited to attend various Sunday School classes. These cater for children from 3 up to around age 11 and will include age appropriate teaching and activities. However, if you would prefer they stay in the service with you that's absolutely fine. All are welcome. We are a multi-generational and multi-cultural church family. Whether you are old or young; have been to church all your life or never before; whether you would say you were a Christian, have no faith at all, or are just searching; you are very welcome to join us for a Sunday service. What do I wear? There is no dress code, please come in whatever reasonable and modest clothing you are comfortable wearing. What happens? We aim to have a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for everyone who comes. If you are unsure what to do or where to sit, speak to one of the church members who will be stood near the door to greet you on arrival. Certain elements are central to every service: singing, praying, reading the Bible and, most importantly, Christ-centred preaching which is where someone will seek to explain the part of the Bible that has been read. After the formal part of the service is over, people often stay around to chat. If you are visiting, do come and make yourself known to us, we'd love to get to know you. If you’d like more information about our Sunday services, please get in touch. Get in touch
- Giving | Clifton Providence
Giving Financial As Christians, the way we utilise our money is a great way for us to highlight to others how Jesus’ values are radically different from the world around us – both individually and as a church. As a church, we want to ensure that our finances are managed in a way that honours God – that we are efficient, effective, full of integrity, transparent and that how the church spends the money reflects God’s concerns both locally and around the world. We avoid charging for church events wherever we can, as we believe the Gospel should be free and accessible to all people. Those looking to give to the work of the church can do so via the online giving platform Stewardship which also enables us to claim back Gift Aid from the government on donations from UK tax payers where they have chosen to allow this. Time It is important to remember that giving is not limited to the cash in our pockets! It’s a great privilege to also be able to serve God by giving of our time, skills and gifts, all in response to His giving up His most treasured Son, Jesus. The church is made up of individuals from all walks of life who freely give of their spare time to aid the day to day running of the church services, activities and events. Service is an important part of the Christian life and we would encourage all believer's everywhere to get involved with their local church community in sharing the gospel. Find out more about getting involved here . "Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9 v 7 If you’d like more information about ways to give, please get in touch. Get in touch
- Contact Us | Providence Baptist Church | Clifton
Contact us Contact us Chooose a subject Send Success! Message sent. Sunday services Morning: 10.30am - 12pm Evening: 6pm - 7.30pm Address Morning Service Clifton Community Centre, Whiston Crescent, Clifton, Bedfordshire, SG17 5HY Evening Service Providence Baptist Church 118 Shefford Rd, Clifton, Bedfordshire, SG17 5RF Locaton
- Other activities | Clifton Providence
Other activities Coffeepot Come and enjoy the friendly atmosphere at our free weekly lunch for seniors. There is always plenty of chat over tea, coffee, home-made soup, sandwiches and cake. Watch our for our special events, such as a Summer cream tea special and a Christmas dinner complete with a King's speech. Coffeepot runs each Wednesday during school term times from Midday - 1:30pm, at the church building. Please contact us if you require help for transport as we are happy to facilitate this. Wednesday, Midday Providence Baptist Church 4th Tuesday, 1:00pm Providence Baptist Church Crafternoon We do a different craft activity each month with recent crafts including nail and string pictures, felt hand warmers, Christmas decorations, and fabric painting. All materials are provided and we go at a relaxed pace and make sure everybody has a chance to make something they can take home. Even if you are unsure about craft, feel free to come along and enjoy the tea and cake! The crafternoon group (usually) meets fourth Tuesday in the month, at the church building with special craft events also held at various points throughout the year. Please get in touch if you would like to know more about the next planned Crafternoon session. The different activities run by the church are an opportunity to get to know us in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere and ask any questions you may have about the Christian life. Men's breakfasts Who doesn't love a good fry-up? Well maybe not too often, but our regular men's breakfast is a great opportunity for one! If you're looking for healthy granola and fresh fruit you've come to the wrong place. The breakfast's are always held on a Saturday morning starting at 9 for an hour to an hour and a half. So for great food, good fellowship and a short thought from a guest speaker, why not come join us at our next men's breakfast event. Please get in touch to find out more and for when the next planned date is. Saturdays tbc, 9:00am Providence Baptist Church If you’d like more information about our other activities, please get in touch. Get in touch
- Explore More | Providence Baptist Church | Clifton
Explore Explore Explore Find out more. Find out for sure. Find out more. Find out for sure. Find out more. Find out for sure. Big Questions? At some point in life we all have questions about meaning and purpose . On our explore courses we stop to think about these big questions in the light of the Bible and delve into what it teaches us about life, death and the future. Whatever your background, faith or experiences, all are welcome. The course normally takes place in someone's home in a relaxed environment giving you the opportunity to openly discuss and ask questions throughout. Get in touch if you would like to join the next course. Get in touch Explore courses are a great place to start learning about the Christian faith in a friendly and relaxed environment. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Matthew 7 v 7 read the Bible If you would like to investigate the claims about Jesus further, we’d encourage you to read a bit of the Bible with a Christian friend. The Word One to One gives you everything you need to explore what the Bible says about Jesus, together. Whether you’re completely new to the Bible or haven’t read it for years, it’s designed to be simple and accessible so that anyone can get together, read a bit of the Bible and chat it through. Get reading The truths of the Bible are so profound they can take a lifetime of study, but to keep it simple for now why not scroll down and start off with a 90 second overview about what it's all about! If you’d like more information about our explore courses, please get in touch. Get in touch
- 404 Error Page | Clifton Providence
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- Youth groups | Clifton Providence
Youth groups Pre-register here All of the youth groups require parents to pre-register their child's basic details for each academic year. Click below to do so now for 2024/2025. Registration Links Tots Running every Monday & Friday, Tots is a friendly group in a carpeted hall for pre-school babies or toddlers and their carers. Children can enjoy lots of toys and there is a designated area for non-movers. A new craft activity is provided each week. At the end, there is a drink and a biscuit provided with a story and singing session with teas and coffees provided for parents and carers. Look out for specials such as Christmas parties, lamb feeding and summer picnics. Due to limited space and availability we now operate twice a week but ask parents/carers to select which day they would like to attend regularly. Tots operates during school term times. For more details, scroll down to the important information section below or get in touch. Monday/Friday, 10:00am Providence Baptist Church Monday, 5:30pm Providence Baptist Church Explorers Explorers is an action-packed club for children of lower school ages (Reception to Year 4). Each week we sing songs, play games, remember Bible verses, learn about Jesus, and have Bible stories. We also have crafts, and prize tables from time to time. Throughout the year we run a number of special Explorers events such as Christmas parties, lamb feeding, and picnics. Please get in touch if your children would like to join the group. Explorers operates during school term times. For more details, scroll down to the important information section below or get in touch. With weekly groups meeting throughout term-time, there's something available for children and young people of any age! 5up 5up is a fun, action-packed middle school group for those in year 5 up... to year 8. Each Monday we run a number of exciting games, crafts and competitions and then think about a passage from the Bible. About twice a term we have a themed special evening. In the past these have been based on super heroes, pancake evenings, pizza and parachutes, adventure evenings and water based games. Please get in touch if your children would like to join the group meeting each Monday. 5up operates during school term times. For more details, scroll down to the important information section below or get in touch. Monday, 7:00pm Providence Baptist Church Friday, 7:30pm Old Rowney Farm Youth Link Youth Link is an inter-church group run by The Churches Project, an organisation setup to support local church works across South Bedfordshire and North Hertfordshire. The group is aimed at those in Year 9 and beyond, with a number of our young people attending and supporting each week. The group meets each Friday for an evening of games and fun, along with a section set aside to give the young people an opportunity to delve deeper into the Bible. Youth Link operates during school term times. Please let us know if you or your young person would like to join and we can organise for someone to get in touch with you. Don't miss out on exciting seasonal special events throughout the year! There can be lots of questions raised when joining a new group for the first time. The children and young people don't worry about these kind of things but we know you the parents do! Do we have to sign up? Yes, it is important for the safety and safeguarding of your children that we register them (and you) to ensure we have some basic personal and medical details. Each of the church run groups now require you to pre-register online once per academic year, which only takes a few minutes to complete and then you're good to go! Please ensure one form is completed per child. How much does it cost? All the youth groups are free to attend. There may occasionally be activities or special events held elsewhere for which a contribution to transport or costs may be requested but this would normally be on a voluntary basis as we don't want costs to be a hindrance to prevent people attending our groups or events. If you would like to give to the work of the church please see more information on our giving page. Who runs the group? Each of the in-house children and youth groups is run by a member of the church with assistance from other church members or those from within the congregation. All leaders and helpers have to complete DBS checks and follow the latest church safeguarding policy which can be found here . Do I have to stay? There is no need for you to stay while the clubs take place, with the exception of tots where parents/carers remain responsible for their young ones at all times. That said, you are of course welcome to stay and watch, but we kindly ask that you don't get overzealous and join in with that game of bench ball or shout out answers during the quiz! If you’d like more information about our youth groups, please get in touch. Get in touch
- Getting involved | Clifton Providence
Getting involved Locally Trusting Christ as Saviour means becoming part of His family - the global church. The Bible encourages those who have become Christians to be involved and serving as part of a local church family. As a local church we encourage all members and attendees who trust the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour to play an active role in the life of the church and be fully involved with church activities both on Sunday and throughout the week. We each have different gifts and passions and encourage individuals to nurture and grow these as they serve. We may be a small but growing church, but that just means the opportunities for service are greater. Further Afield Life as a Christian means more than just turning up on Sunday mornings. The Bible makes it clear that if we are one of Christ's family our whole life should reflect this fact. We are not made perfect overnight, but we grow to be more like Him day by day. A key part of this growth as a Christian comes from sharing the good news of Jesus, both in our local church and further afield. We encourage all church members to be involved in other Gospel works and outreach and below are some of the organisations we support both as a church and as individuals : United Beach Missions (UBM); Young Life (NYLC); Farming Christian Link; Open Air Mission. "As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." 1 Peter 4 v 10 If you’d like more information about ways to get involved, please get in touch. Get in touch