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Church Life

(Click a title to find out more)

Sunday Worship

"And let us consider one another
in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together"

Sunday Worship

Sunday Mornings

Sunday, 10:30am

Clifton Community Centre

We meet at 10.30am every Sunday in Clifton Community Centre for morning worship.

We seek to worship God together by singing, praying, and reading and learning from the Bible. The service usually lasts about 1h15m and we enjoy spending time getting to know each other better over a cup of tea afterwards.


There is a creche and Sunday school for younger children provided during the second half of the service.


There are occasions throughout the year where the timings and locations differ.

Check the website and facebook page for up to date information and special events.


For additional information about Sundays check our "What to Expect" page.

Sunday Evenings

Sunday, 6:00pm

Church Building

Evening worship takes place at the church building at 6.00pm.

As in the morning, the Bible, prayer and singing are central to what we do. On the 3rd Sunday of the month we incorporate the Lord’s table into the service and particularly remember the death of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.


There are occasions throughout the year where the timings and locations differ.

Check the website and facebook page for up to date information and special events.


For additional information about Sundays check our "What to Expect" page.

Wooden Surface

Midweek Meetings

"For where two or three are gathered together in My name,
I am there in the midst of them"

Praying Hands
Midweek Meetings

Prayer Meetings

Wednesday, 8:00pm

Various Locations

As the name would suggest, the focus of the prayer meeting is prayer! One evening a week we meet to pray, giving what is on our hearts to our Creator and Saviour, who listens, loves, and cares for us.


The location varies each week, so please consult the monthly calendar.

Bible Studies


Various Locations

Throughout the week we often run different groups for those looking to find out more about the Bible and what it means to be a Christian. These groups are usually tailored to the individuals attending by studying parts of the Bible that the group leaders feel would be suitable based on understanding and experience of the Christian faith.

Contact us for more information or if you are interested in joining a group.


"But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”"


Sunday School

Sunday, 11:00am

Clifton Community Centre

We operate a Sunday school part way through the morning service which is available for children up to middle school age.


This is designed to allow parents to focus on the sermon undistracted while their children are looked after and taught similar Bible truths at a level most appropriate for their age group.

Sunday school normally operates in line with school term times.


Monday/Friday, 10:00am

Church Building

​Running every Monday & Friday, Tots is a friendly group in a carpeted hall for pre-school babies or toddlers and their carers. Children can enjoy lots of toys and there is a designated area for non-movers. A new craft activity is provided each week.

At the end there is a drink and a biscuit provided with a story and singing session.

Teas and coffees provided for parents and carers.


Look out for specials such as Christmas parties, lamb feeding and summer picnics.

Due to limited space and availability we now operate twice a week but ask parents/carers to select which day

they would like to attend regularly.

Tots operates in line with school term times.


Monday, 5:30pm

Church Building

Explorers is an action-packed club for children of lower school ages (Reception to Year 4).

Most weeks we sing songs, play games, remember Bible verses, learn about Jesus, and have Bible stories.

We also have crafts, and prize tables from time to time.

Throughout the year we run a number of special Explorers events such as Christmas parties, lamb feeding, and picnics.

Please get in touch if your children would like to join the group meeting each Monday.

Explorers operates in line with school term times.


Monday, 7:00pm

Church Building

5-up is a fun, action-packed middle school (Years 5-8) kids group.

Each Monday we run a number of exciting games, crafts and competitions and then think about a passage from the Bible.


About once a half term we have a themed special evening. In the past these have been based on super heroes, pancake evenings, pizza and parachutes, adventure evenings and water based games.

Please get in touch if your children would like to join the group meeting each Monday.

5-up operates in line with school term times.

Green Brick Wall

Young People

"Remember now your Creator
in the days of your youth"

Young People

Young Life

Friday, 7:30pm

Various Locations

Whilst we do not currently run any teenage work at the church ourselves, a number of our young people regularly attend the Bedford branch of Young Life who meet every Friday either in Bedford, Clifton, or occasionally another location within Bedfordshire.

For more information and local contact details visit

Paper Craft
Abstract Background


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart"



4th Tuesday in month, 1:00pm

Church Building

(Usually) fourth Tuesday in the month, held at the church building. 

We do a different craft activity each month. Recent crafts have included nail and string pictures, felt hand warmers, Christmas decorations, and fabric painting. All materials are provided and we help each other out so everybody can make something to take home. Even if you are unsure about craft, feel free to come along and enjoy the tea and cake!

Wet grass


"For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the
life that now is and of that
which is to come."

Goal Keeper


Tuesday, 9:00pm

Bloomfield Academy

Postponed until further notice.

Tuesday nights 9:00 - 10:00pm, held at Robert Bloomfield Academy. 

Anyone aged 16+ is welcome to join us for an hour of football each week. All abilities are welcome - the game does not get too serious or competitive! A £4 donation is suggested to cover the cost of pitch hire but this is not mandatory.

Coffee Cups


"Even to your old age, I am He,
And even to gray hairs I will
carry you!"



Wednesday, Midday

Church Building

Wednesdays during school term time Midday - 1:30pm, held at the church building. 

Come and enjoy the friendly atmosphere at our free weekly lunch for seniors. There is always plenty of chat over tea, coffee, home-made soup, sandwiches and cake. Watch our for our special events, a summer Queen's cream tea and a Christmas dinner.


Please contact us if you require help for transport as we are happy to facilitate this.

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