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Bible Studies


We run weekly home-groups on both Wednesdays and Thursdays which are an opportunity for Christian's of any age and experience to delve deeper into the Bible as well as an opportunity to spend some time in prayer together.

Alongside these regular groups we also run from time to time introductory Bible courses for those looking to find out more about the Bible and explore what it means to be a Christian. These groups are tailored to the individuals attending by studying parts of the Bible that the group leader feels would be suitable based on understanding and experience of the Christian faith.

Contact us for more information if you are interested in joining one of the weekly groups or would be interested in taking part with one of the introductory Bible courses.

A dark green background
Two people studying a Bible together

Various times

Various locations

A dark green background
A circle of hands indicating they are in prayer

Various days, 8:00pm

Providence Baptist Church

Prayer Meetings


As the name would suggest, the focus of the prayer meeting is prayer! Each of our home-groups spends an amount of time in prayer each week along side the Bible studies, but once a month all the home-groups meet midweek at the church building to have a more focused time of prayer together.

This joint prayer meeting is always the first week of the month, but alternates between Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please get in touch if you wish to know more.

"A coal left out of the fire, soon grows cold, but together they will glow"

If you’d like more information about our midweek meetings,

please get in touch.

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118 Shefford Rd | Clifton | Shefford

Bedfordshire | SG17 5RF | UK

 © 2024 by Clifton Providence Baptist Church, UK

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